Chicago City Council Committee on Workforce Development
The Committee on Workforce Development and Audit has jurisdiction over the audit and review of expenditures of funds appropriated by the Council or under the custody of the City Treasurer, as well as management audits and other audits intended to examine the effectiveness or propriety of City operational procedures. The Committee's jurisdiction also includes collective bargaining agreements regardless of bargaining unit and regardless of department; employee benefits; matters affecting pensions of city employees, regardless of pension fund; and all other personnel matters generally relating to the City government, excepting claims under the Workers' Compensation Act. The Committee's jurisdiction also includes efforts intended to expand the city's private workforce and to create increased job opportunities in the city's private sector through business attraction efforts, business retention efforts, relocation services, incentive programs, training and retraining programs, or any other means.
Grades are based on information from December 2019
The first step toward participating in a public meeting is knowing when and where it is, and getting context on the decisions it’s been making.
Public Comment
The Illinois Attorney General has said that all public bodies subject to the Open Meetings Act must provide an opportunity for members of the public to address public officials at open meetings. Public comment periods offer an avenue for people to support or oppose policy decisions and provide information that might not otherwise be represented in a meeting.
Read the public comment policy
Knowing the time and location of a meeting is one thing, but it doesn’t necessarily make getting there any easier. Varying meeting times and locations can reduce barriers for attendees.